General Itinerary: Subject to the “Shanti Shanti” way of being.

Travel with a Local Nepal + DIWAS Photography

We’ll begin + end the tour in

Kathmandu, Bagmati District of Nepal

Day 1
Welcome + Cultural Cues + Clues
Dal Bhat lesson + luncheon
Journey to Swayambunath (Monkey Temple)
Afternoon Rest + Recover with option for assisted Thamel walk + shopping experience Dinner on your own

Day 2
Guest House Morning breakfast + daily check-in
Guided Morning at Patan Durbar Square + Nepali tapas in Patan
Afternoon Rest + Recovery + Dinner on your own

Day 3
Morning breakfast + daily check-in

Journey to Chitwan for Jungle Safari + Village experience for two nights. Meals included.

Day 4

Explore Chitwan w/offerings of tours : Jungle walk, Village Experience, etc.

Once there you can explore and participate in optional experiences : jungle safari, elephant baths, etc. We can help to facilitate these connections.

Day 5

Morning breakfast + daily check-in

Enjoy a slow morning, breakfast and basking in the beauty of this remarkable district before hitting the road to beautiful Pokhara.

Arrive in Pokhara late afternoon and take in the sights and sounds of this lakeside town.

Dinner on your own

Day 6

First Full Day in Pokhara

Morning breakfast + daily check-in

Guided World Peace Pagoda by way of Gupteshwar Mahadev - long cave near waterfalls

Enjoy an evening to yourself with boating, cultural dance, general merriment

Day 7

Another day of self guided sight seeing and/or radical self care.

Perhaps stretch your comfort and schedule yourself an optional opportunity to paraglide over this gorgeous lakeside town by visiting Sarangkot hillside village- we can support you in coordinating this effort. Maybe boating and fishing is more of your jam. Or strolling the endless shops and dipping in for a massage or ayurvedic treatment.

Optional: Gathering for dinner at family restaurant that promises some of the best local Roxie (distilled millet whiskey)

Day 8

Early Morning Chill is welcomed

Stroll the shops to collect any goods from this experience depart by 11a.m.

We’ll travel back to Kathmandu, stopping for early dinner along the way

Day 9

Welcome back to the Basmati District, Kathmandu

Morning will be “free” for you to settle in and practice some self care : laundry, massage, sunshine

Chiaya + daily check-in

Mo:Mo cooking class in the afternoon

Visit working artisans to explore handicrafts and appreciate the efforts

Optional “Family Tour Dinner” we’ll introduce you to some ACE pizza + pasta after many days of Nepali foods

Optional Rickshaw Rides to Durbar Square to stroll the temples in the evening

Day 10

Guest House Morning breakfast + daily check-in

Travel to Nargakot and enjoy the quiet of this mountainside village on your own time.

Indulge in some R+R : maybe in the pool with a fancy beverage, a quiet sit with your journal and a book, or a short hike while engaging with the locals, sit the Look-out Tower to take in the overwhelming landscape that is Nepal, move as you please. We’ll be available to support and offer suggestions.

Optional dinner as a group with an early bedtime to prep for sunrise

Day 11

Wake early for the option of viewing the sunrise behind Mount Everest

Breakfast + Check in with the community before departing to Bhaktapur est. 11 am

Visit famous UNESCO Bhaktapur Square

Meet local artisans, yogurt makers, musicians engage with the environment around you fully.

Travel back to Kathmandu

November 12 - Day 12

Guest House breakfast + daily check-in

Pashupatinath UNESCO World Heritage Site : Temple of Shiva

Optional of supported shopping + visiting of museums, makers, etc

Closing dinner w/slideshow of our time together

Circle of gratitudes/Closing activity + Evaluation with gifts

November 13

Slow Contintental Breakfast at Guest House + Check in

Airport departures from Guest House

*** All itinerary items are subject to the Nepali flow of things, and the general needs of the travel community tour.

We aim to maintain the utmost transparency + integrity of our business, our culture and facilitate a beautiful experience for our travelers. Our guest houses are unnamed at this time, information will be forthcoming. Each guest house will have hot water (though sometimes solar is slow to heat!) and private bathrooms.

Single occupancy is available for additional charge.